Joanna Brown, Assistant Principal at Ashford College
Apprenticeship Course: Operations Manager Level 5 and CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership

What led you to choose this Apprenticeship?
“My role before was College Services Manager, which was a largely operational role. The apprenticeship was offered out to all people at my level who wanted the qualification. I never went to university, because I left school and went straight out to work, so this was a great opportunity to get a higher-level qualification; and looking at the units, a lot was relevant to my job at the time.”
What have you enjoyed most about your Apprenticeship journey?
“The cohort of students I was doing the apprenticeship with, because it was really varied; there were others from the group doing different roles to me, but also those from outside of the group. Forming those relationships and having those peer-to-peer conversations made the experience feel really supportive”
What do you feel you have gained?
“A deeper insight into management, some really useful tools for project planning, and a sense of achievement for myself having gone back to school.
What I was doing in my day-to-day job gave meaning to the units we were studying.
I feel very fortunate to have been chosen to take part, and really appreciate being allowed the time within my work week to get the coursework done”
What is next now that you have completed your Apprenticeship?
“Getting my head around my new role; I have a lot of learning to do. Nicola Kelly [Assistant Principal at Broadstairs College] and I have the same role now – we were on the course together and have known each other a long time – so we will both be learning and can support each other”
Where do you hope to be in 5 years’ time?
“I would like to be a principal within the group; but I have to get to grips with this role first and do my very best, and then I will see what the next step is.”